Application Features
- College Banner Slider: Showcase rotating college banners.
- Text Heading: Prominent text to capture user attention.
- Login Section: Buttons for Teachers, Students, and Management.
- Basic Information: Overview of college, teachers, and students.
- College Location & Application Details: Contact information and key application features.
- Header, Footer, Logo, and Developer Info: Consistent branding and site navigation.
- Back to Top Button: Make for Good UX.
- Separate Logins for Teachers, Students, and Management.
- Dashboard:
- Welcome message.
- Display personal details (e.g., name, designation).
- Current date and time.
- Attendance Management:
- Generate session code for classes.
- View, filter, and print today’s and past attendance lists.
- Accept or reject student attendance.
- View student details (name, photo, etc.).
- Automatic email updates to both teacher and student upon attendance confirmation.
- Student Management:
- Display total student count.
- View, search, and print detailed student lists.
- File Desk:
- View and download important documents like syllabus, routine, holidays and etc.
- Profile:
- Display teacher’s personal and professional information (photo, name, gender, mobile, email, class details).
- Dashboard:
- Welcome message.
- Display personal details (e.g., name, roll number).
- Current date and time.
- Attendance Management:
- Join class sessions using session codes.
- View, filter, and print attendance records (today’s and previous).
- Profile:
- Display personal details (photo, name, gender, mobile, email, class details).
- File Desk:
- View and download syllabus, routine, holidays, and other important documents.
- Dashboard:
- Welcome message.
- Overview of admin functions.
- Current date and time.
- Teachers & Students Management:
- Total count of teachers and students.
- Add, edit, delete, and view teacher/student profiles.
- Search, filter, and print lists.
- Change status (active/inactive).
- Attendance Management:
- Display attendance counts for both teachers and students.
- View, filter, and print attendance lists.
- Class, Semester, and Subject Management:
- Display total counts.
- Add, edit, delete, and view details.
- Search, filter, and print lists.
- Change status (active/inactive).
- File Desk:
- Manage files (count, add, delete, view).
- Search, filter, and print file lists.
Community Home:
- Welcome message
- Announcement display
- Display of recent posts
- Buttons for new post and all post
Community Post Create:
- Welcome message
- Display contact information
- Post content input field
- Create post option
All post List:
- Welcome message
- List of all posts
- Buttons for back and create post
Community Post Discussion Page:
- Display post title and details
- List of all discussions
- Reply option for posts
- Buttons for navigation (e.g., back button)
Project Page:
- Display photo, purpose, features and components used in projects along with creator details
Create Feedback:
- Welcome message
- Display contact information
- Option to send feedback
Feedback List Display:
- Display of person’s photo and name
- Feedback content and date
Application Components
Structure web pages with elements like headings, paragraphs, and links.
Style web pages with colors, fonts, and layouts for visual appeal.
Add interactivity with dynamic content updates and animations.
Use pre-designed components and a responsive grid for a modern design.
Manage the positioning of tooltips and popovers for better UI clarity.
Simplify JavaScript tasks for smooth DOM manipulation and event handling.
Fetch and update data asynchronously to enhance user experience.
Handle server-side logic and backend operations for web applications.
Build secure and scalable web apps quickly with built-in features.
Store and manage data efficiently with a relational database system.
VS Code
A powerful code editor for building and debugging your projects efficiently.
Additional libraries used for enhanced functionality and performance.